sign up to volunteer and earn a free ticket to Project North Festival -
volunteering for three hours will get you free admission for the day!
Project North Volunteers
General Info
Arrival: Please arrive 15 minutes before your shift.
Check In Location / Volunteer Base: ArtStart Office 68 S. Stevens Street - Across the street from McDonalds. You will be able to leave items in the offices if you would like.
Admission to Festival: At Check In you will receive your festival wristband and a volunteer badge.
Festival grounds: You will receive a festival map at check in and you will be directed where to report.
Shift completion: After you have been relieved from your shift by the next volunteer. Please report back to ArtStart to turn in your volunteer badge and gather your belongings if left in the office.
What to Bring: You shouldn’t need to bring anything to your shift but it is a great idea to bring a reusable water bottle to stay hydrated (remember the festival has a zero waste policy and a discardable plastic ban). Licensed Bartenders please bring a copy of your license unless Ashley already has it.
What to Wear: Comfortable and appropriate clothes based on weather. Walking shoes and layers are a great idea.
Contact Person: Ashley McLaughlin at ArtStart 715-362-4328, amclaughlin@artstartrhinelander.org
Contact During Festival: 715-365-4328 call for questions, concerns, help, ect.
Emergency: call 911